In this tutorial we discuss the information available on, our municipal website, and the Building & Development Permits webpages to better support you in competing online applications.
Access to permitting information has been re-designed with enhanced searchability.
We’ve added a lot of information and simplified language for enhanced accessibility and greater transparency around the permitting process. The intention is to empower you to be self-sufficient, and less reliant on calling or visiting Customer Service Centers.
We have modernized and redesigned the permitting webpages, now referred to as Building & Development Permit Pages.
Overall, the information on the website sets the standards for applications, transfers some of the responsibility for meeting those standards to you, and helps you plan for success.
It is important to be familiar with our webpages, so you can confidently navigate the permitting process and effectively use the Customer Portal.
After viewing this tutorial. please proceed to tutorial #4. Registering a Customer Account
View next:
3. Introduction to Permitting, Planning, Licensing & Compliance - Customer Before you Begin