A wide array of experiences, ranging from a mild emotional detachment from the immediate surroundings, to a more severe disconnection from physical and emotional experiences
Video instalation
(semester work)
Dissociation. Disconnection. Virtual reality. The concept of feeling real. Feeling valid. Feeling validation. My work is based around my intimate feelings. Because of my struggles with my mental health
I developed coping mechanisms that is called dissociation. My ability to ignore the world around
me is triggered by any minor issues. When I feel overwhelmed, unhappy, stressed, alone.
With YouTube and people documenting basic everyday life
I found that for me it is way easier to live theirs than mine. After talking with people from my age group I found out that a lot of us have issues with their identity because of these videos. And the YouTube algorithm doesn’t help.
For my work I choose a specific way how to find videos. I created a profile of an 18 year old girl and started to click on videos I was suggested. Soon my page was filled with videos of perfect influencers sharing everything form their life. I choose the ones that bring me comfort.
I don’t wanna face my feelings. It’s not something easy. I am not always happy with who I am. And in a fake reality I can be whoever I want. I feel alone. I feel lost. I feel trapped. I feel void.
But it’s way easier to disconnect.