An ancient idea is that the mystery of consciousness and the mystery of existence are deeply connected. Today there are a number of respected physicists and philosophers who take this possibility seriously. In this documentary, we explore the possible connection between these two great mysteries.
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This documentary is a non-profit, educational film. All footage used with permission, or in compliance with fair use/fair dealing.
Non copyright/reuse-allowed music composed by Aleks Michalski and Dreamstate Logic.
Tracks used:
Earthbound by Dreamstate Logic
Dematerialized by Dreamstate Logic
Apogee by Aleks Michalski
InSight by Aleks Michalski
Documentary about consciousness
Documentary about Reality
Consciousness documentary BBC
Why is there something instead of nothing?
Paradigm shift documentary
Panpsychism Documentary
Idealism Documentary
Full documentary
Waking Cosmos
Philosophy Documentary BBC
Cosmos Documentary
Space Documentary
Horizon Documentary
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why does the universe exist?