What is up guys it is Styx here, today I am going to be showing you guys how to do this week’s Ascendant challenge and its location. This is the current fastest way to farm out Dreaming City weapons every week, as it takes about 30 minutes for 6 drops if you have 3 characters. This includes drops such as the Retold Tale, Twilight Oath, or Waking Vigil, which pair really well with kinetics like Riiswalker, Loud Lullaby, or Fatebringer, and stasis weapons such as the new Vulpecula. There is also the Tigerspite which pairs extremely well with the new Sudden Death shotgun from Prophecy, or as a double-primary loadout for Grandmaster Nightfalls with Darkest Before. The Agonarch Abyss eggs and Ahamkara bones are difficult to find for most players, so I’ll be running through the whole thing so as to not lose anybody.
These are posted weekly so feel free to subscribe!
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